Five Essential Estate Planning Documents

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By Nehemiah Jefferson, Esq., LL.M. There are several essential documents that should be a part of every estate plan.  Those documents are: The Last Will and Testament is a legal document which tells the court and your beneficiaries where and how to direct your assets upon death.  Note that a will must go through probate.  See our other…

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Trump and Taxes

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By Nehemiah Jefferson, Esq., LL.M. Must we really speculate what the 47th President of the United States and his administration along with Congress will do as it relates to tax policy? I’ll get straight to the point.  Expect tax cuts! The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), enacted when Donald Trump was the 45th President,…

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The Probate Process in Florida

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By: Nehemiah Jefferson, Esq., LL.M. This article will provide a brief overview of the probate process in Florida and some actions that may be required.   The Probate Process Helpful Advice What To Do First  After the Funeral After You Have the Death Certificates Of course, this article is not all encompassing when it comes to…

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12 Reasons to Consider a Trust

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By Nehemiah Jefferson, Esq., LL.M. Trusts have become an important part of many estate plans.   A trust is a legal document which creates an entity to hold property for the benefit of others.  Trusts come in all types of flavors such as irrevocable and revocable and can even be used for charitable and tax planning.  Of course,…

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What is Probate and How to Avoid It

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By Nehemiah Jefferson, Esq., LL.M. What is Probate? Probate is a court supervised process to determine where to distribute a decedent’s assets whether the decedent had a valid will (“testate”) or whether the decedent did not have a valid will (“intestate”).  Assets titled in a decedent’s name creates the estate. Probate can be a long…

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Corporate Transparency Act 101

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By Nehemiah Jefferson, Esq., LL.M. The Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”) is getting a lot of attention in the accounting, tax, financial planning and legal industry, and rightfully so. This article provides some basic information and required action about the CTA. What is the Corporate Transparency Act?  The CTA created a reporting requirement for certain companies…

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Taxation of Estates in Florida and Texas

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By: Nehemiah Jefferson, Esq., LL.M. An estate is created when a person dies. The estate includes everything that the individual owned at death.  In 2024, it seems like there is a tax for everything. There are income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, transfer taxes, gift taxes, inheritance taxes, capital gains taxes, and yes, even taxes…

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Special Needs Trusts

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By: Nehemiah Jefferson, Esq., LL.M. Certainly, it cannot be assumed that we would always be available and able to care for our loved ones.  Therefore, estate planning for a loved one with special needs is necessary to ensure the continuing care if you are unable to do so. I had an aunt with down syndrome.…

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The IRS Summons

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To determine if an individual (or entity) is compliant with the tax laws, the IRS has broad powers to conduct examinations and investigations. According to Internal Revenue Code 7602(a)(1), the IRS may examine a number of sources (e.g. records or data) to determine the accuracy of a tax return or tax liability and for tax…

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Kovel Letters

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On a typical business day, a couple of IRS special agents (i.e. criminal investigations) showed up at a taxpayer’s house. You know you are in the presence of an IRS special agent if you see a badge and a gun. The taxpayer immediately begins to ask the reason for the IRS special agents’ visit. The…

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